Thumper bambi quotes youtube
Thumper bambi quotes youtube

thumper bambi quotes youtube thumper bambi quotes youtube

If you’re being contrary just to spur the debate, be VERY clear about it. Playing “Devil’s Advocate” online doesn’t work as well as it does in-person, because the person on the other end of the debate doesn’t know you and doesn’t know whether you really believe your position or not. As humans, we sometimes let our distaste for someone else cloud our judgement as to whether they are making a valid argument. No one likes a troll.ģ) Know your position and why you’re defending itĭo you really believe in the argument you’re making or are you just attacking the person who is disagreeing with you. If you’re there to contribute and enjoy the company of other people, great. If you’re there just to argue, then go someplace else.

thumper bambi quotes youtube

They’re the bane of our existence and when I spot one, I give one stern warning and then have no problem clicking the “Ban” button when they do it again. Trolls who like to just stir the pot and start arguments. Click To Tweet 2) Don’t argue just to argueĬommunity managers can spot them a mile away. When it comes to online discussions, it might be a good idea to keep Thumper's Rule in mind - If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all. Thumper’s father taught him (and his mother reminded him) that “ if you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.” Sometimes it’s just a good idea to walk away from the argument, especially before it gets personal.


In case you have never seen the movie “Bambi”, you need to learn this one little piece of sage advice from the bunny rabbit named Thumper. I love the fact that the Web is a platform for sharing thoughts, ideas, experiences, and positions…but let’s try to keep it civil, folks. So, having been down this road once or twice before, I thought it might be a good idea to share some experiences that might help others when engaging in spirited debates online. The post was accompanied by a photo of him holding his shotgun. I’m all for spirited debate via digital channels, but in my experience, the arguments that got out of hand weren’t based on a disagreement over facts, but instead began as well-intentioned discussions and devolved into personal attacks, positions with emotional bias but no real fact, or just hot-tempered community members who couldn’t resist pressing the “post” button.Īs the site owner/community manager, I even had someone threaten to come to my house in person so he could discuss the fact that I edited one of his posts that contained a racist comments. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases when you buy something from those links. I get commissions for purchases made through those links. Please note: Some of the links in my posts are affiliate links.

Thumper bambi quotes youtube