Back 4 blood january update
Back 4 blood january update

back 4 blood january update

While this publication can provide an indication of where counts of deaths are above or below expectations, it does not provide official estimates of excess mortality.

back 4 blood january update

Minimums and maximums for any given week can be from any of the years included in the baseline. The minimum and maximum baseline counts are also included to provide an indication of the range of previous years. These counts serve as a proxy for the expected number of deaths, so comparisons against baseline or the previous year can provide an indication of whether mortality is higher or lower than expected in a given year. The baseline average presented in this report remains as the average of the years 2017-. 2020 is not included in the baseline for 2022 data because it included periods where numbers of deaths were significantly lower than expected and is similarly not considered to be a typical year for mortality in Australia. Therefore 2022 has not been included in the baseline average and is instead presented separately in graphs and tables. This is significantly higher than usual and is not considered to be a typical year for mortality in Australia. There were 190,775 deaths which occurred in 2022. Deaths for 2023 will have two comparisons points - they will be compared to both deaths occurring in 2022 and a baseline period consisting of the average number of deaths occurring in the years of 2017-2019, 2021. The purpose of a baseline is to provide a typical year (or combination of years) to compare the current year to.

  • Deaths due to Fronto-temporal dementia (G31.0) and Lewy body dementia (G31.8) have been added to the Dementia category.
  • Further information is provided in the "Mortality by selected causes of death" section.
  • A new group - "other cardiac conditions" (ICD-10 codes I26-I51) is now presented in both the table in this article and in the tables in the data cubes.
  • back 4 blood january update

    These changes have been introduced to reduce the number of deaths that are currently not included in a cause of death category in the Provisional Mortality Statistics publication. There are some changes to the cause of death categories.Age-specific death rates by sex are now provided for selected age groups.Further information is provided in the section "Baseline comparisons". In graphs and tables 2023 deaths are compared to deaths that occurred in 2022 and deaths that occurred in a baseline period (average of 2017-2019, 2021).Some changes to content and structure have been implemented in this publication.

    Back 4 blood january update